Karis Blog

Getting to Know Our New President & CEO, Kim Evans

Written by Steven Cutbirth | Jun 19, 2019 9:21:56 PM

We are excited to share the news that Kim Evans has been promoted to President & Chief Executive Officer of The Karis Group. Ms. Evans most recently served as our Senior VP & Chief of Staff, where she was responsible for operations, HR and service delivery.

Before joining Karis, Ms. Evans served as CEO and founder of Seremedi Inc., President of Blue Lance, and CEO of Secure Vantage Technology. Ms. Evans also held earlier leadership positions at Microsoft and BMC, Inc in business development and M&A where she was responsible for identifying, investing, acquiring and integrating strategic assets.

To help you get to know Kim a bit better, we sat down with her for a Q&A style interview:

What drew you to The Karis Group and why are you excited to move into the role of CEO?

I was drawn by Karis’ 23 year legacy of innovative cost containment products and services, which have saved medical health sharing organizations, insurers, members, employers and employees nearly $300 Million. Karis’ work has been creating better outcomes for hundreds of thousands of patients for over 2 decades and I am excited to drive the company in our next chapter of growth.

Tell us a bit about yourself. What are your interests and passions, personally and professionally?

I identify myself as a lover of God, family and community!

Professionally, my purpose and passion is developing people to give their gifts fully, building and growing companies.

Personally my interest and passions include enjoying time with family and loved ones, reading about a variety of topics, live music, exploring new places and sailing.

What has surprised you most about The Karis Group and it’s team?

Their consistent and proven track record for doing good while driving revenue growth and their unshakable commitment to improve the lives of others.

What is the biggest opportunity in front of Karis?

This has been a long time coming and I think we, in healthcare, are finally at a point where multiple interests are aligned. Insurers, medical sharing organizations, members, innovators and enough providers are committed to achieving quality care at an affordable cost. We have an opportunity to lead the charge in helping employers and employees drive down the costs of healthcare while ensuring quality of care is maintained or improved.

I believe Karis is experiencing a confluence of a committed, expert, experienced and spirit led leadership team, clients, board members and partners. Karis has a window of opportunity where the market has increased demand of what we uniquely provide, which is fueling us for hyper-growth.

Twenty years from now, when you look back on your time leading The Karis Group what will you be most proud of?

In 20 years I believe Karis will have created new leaders for the next generation, who are committed to ensuring communities are healthy and their healthcare needs are cared for.

We will have raised the level of well-being in the communities we serve. People will enjoy their lives, family and loved ones longer.

Through our FirstFruits charitable efforts, Karis will have raised the economic energy of our communities, filled pantries, reduced homelessness, funded education and driven new economic growth.

And that’s a wrap. Thanks to Kim for sharing more about herself and her vision for Karis. We are excited to have Kim lead us into our next chapter of growth.

For more on Kim’s new role, you can read the Press Release here.